Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Christmas Snickerdoodle Cupcake Duo

Thankfully it turns out that a baking project won't necessarily fail just because it starts out looking like a batch of play-doh.

Especially not if it's helped along by the wonder of cinnamon sugar. See it sparkle.

Anyway, for the Christmas bake-off at work I decided to create a Christmas version of the already-super Snickerdoodle Cupcake Duo (which I originally posted about here). I wasn't sure I could achieve a genuinely red icing without using a toxic amount of food dye, so I opted instead to colour the snickerdoodle cookies themselves. The coating of cinnamon sugar makes them look kind of dirty and gross before baking, but fear not - they rise and spread enough to fix this.

To aid the survival of Christmas party grazers I made this whole batch into mini cupcakes. Depending on how big you make them, you can get around 40 little cupcakes and little cookies out of Bakerella's recipe. (I ended up with 42 cakes and 44 cookies - pleasantly close to even!)

Here's before decorating...

...and here's after decorating! (mostly :p)

I was relieved to end up with actual Christmas colours rather than the pink and vomit-green shemozzle which I more than half expected. Take THAT pessimism.

Merry Christmas!!!

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