Breakfast of champions! ...just kidding. This is a cream cheese cupcake filling mix with chunks of Snickers in it. It looks a bit gross when you mix it in (see below), but just because it's ugly doesn't mean it's bad.

And then you make a delicious caramel icing to go on top! Yes, I found another caramelly recipe.

This is another recipe from Betty Crocker's Big Book of Cupcakes. She calls them Chocolate Candy Cupcakes (recipe here) but I call them Snickers Cupcakes. Because, you know, I used Snickers. Betty refers to them more generically as "chocolate-covered nougat, caramel and peanut candy bars."

Actually, these are really good. The base is chocolate, but then you get the chewy, creamy, nutty filling baked into the top...
And then you make a delicious caramel icing to go on top! Yes, I found another caramelly recipe.
This is another recipe from Betty Crocker's Big Book of Cupcakes. She calls them Chocolate Candy Cupcakes (recipe here) but I call them Snickers Cupcakes. Because, you know, I used Snickers. Betty refers to them more generically as "chocolate-covered nougat, caramel and peanut candy bars."
Often when I make something out of a book the photo shown looks nothing like what I end up with. On this occasion I feel like they were more similar than usual.
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